My Reflection

Developing this blog has been a journey of self discovery, learning, and showcasting what I have learnt over the last three years studying occupational therapy.  Retrospectively, I have became more aware of my passion for helping eliminate poverty, empowering the helpless, providing opportunities for meaningful engagement, and assisting OTs who want to work in poverty. Writing this blog I have gained new knowledge and insight into the opportunities OTs have and the experiences they gain while working in poverty. Over the last three years I have studied various papers, like Humanities and Participation in Occupation Two, which has been the foundations for this blog. 

My most interesting read was in the book titled Occupational Therapy Across Cultural Boundaries: Theory, Practice and Professional Development. This has opened my eyes up to the usefulness and impact OTs have in Third World countries.  There is a need for meaningful occupation for those that are experiencing occupational injustice because of disabilities, old age, and finacial circumstances. Occupational therapy are a profession that specialises in enabling people to participate in occupations that are meaningful to them.

There are few resources available for OTs preparing to work in poverty, this needs to be improved becausing working in poverty can be extremely devastating, unpredictable, and traumatic. 

I am aware that there are areas of my topic not covered. This is because poverty is complex and has many avenues that I could have gone down and discussed. OT is a very diverse profession and one that has a unique outlook on humanity.  When OTs are utilised well they can be extremely effective and improvements can be seen in individuals, families, communities and nations.  The main limiting factor that influences OTs effectiveness, are the limitations we put on ourselves as health professionals.  To be an extra-ordinary OT one must live outsides the boundaries and limitations set by oneself and society.

2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. Monique
    Sep 04, 2010 @ 04:09:41

    Hello, I am currently studying and working in Early Childhood Education. I am interested in working with children living in poverty. Do you have any information on what early childhood teachers are doing to have an impact and help the children living in poverty?


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